Today’s challenge assignment:
As you do your Daily Alignment Practice, continue with your Day 2 assignment of feeling for your current energy state: can you put language to it?
Now, grounding into this energy that’s present for you, is there something you had planned to do today that you feel you don’t actually have the right energy for?
If you had planned to do something challenging but have low, withdrawn energy – can you postpone it? If not, can you schedule in extra fuelling or selfcare before and after to support yourself?
Likewise, are you in an expanded, high energy state and are feeling bored at the idea of what’s on your to-do list today – is there somewhere else you could channel this precious energy that would feel more aligned?
Can you find even just a small way to honour your body’s current energy state today?
Remember, the goal of this is not perfection. It’s awareness and practice.